My November In Pictures.


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Hello my chubby chums! I ,of course, am not referring to any of you, but this was a nice Segway into the fact that my boyfriend’s dog attends a weight loss group (yes dogs can attend weight loss groups.) conveniently named ‘Chubby Chums’. Ollie won slimmer of the week – YES, SLIMMER OF THE WEEK. That achievement was up there this month, but here’s what else I’ve been up to!

PARTY TIME – I can’t pretend that there won’t always be a few party pics in these compilations, give me a break, we are in the year of eighteens after all. This picture of me, Helena and Akshaye was taken at the party of the man himself – and what a party it was! Thank you Akshaye!

FIREWORKS – Of course November is the month of bonfire night, and me and bae couldn’t resist a cheeky firework display to awaken our spirits. You really can’t beat it in my opinion; it’s pretty darn magical.

BIRTHDAYS – Yes, another party, shoot me. This was the turn of one of my best buds Lib, who finally hit the bit 1-8, and couldn’t resist a selfie to match!

COCA COLA TRUCK – The real coca cola truck visited this month, and while I visited it with Thomas, I couldn’t help but bump in to bae #2 in the form of Gurveen. After visiting the real deal, we couldn’t resist the photo opportunity of the cardboard version outside Asda, so that’s what you’re getting. What’s that? You want the real truck? Well here it is!

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YOUTUBE – November was the host month of my first solo Youtube video! It was my everyday makeup routine and it would mean the absolute world if you would give it a gander, here’s the link if you do:

NIGHT OUT – YES, this is another party pic as well as another picture with my main gal Gurveen; but I enjoy a party, and quite frankly, I enjoy Gurveen.

Feeling up to date with my antics? Good! Same time next month?

Just Jolie x

My 1st Blogiversary.


Hiya, how are we all doing? As you may gather from my less than consistent uploading schedule, I am extremely busy. However, I hope that you all understand that when school is in full flow, my blog must take a back seat. I will always make time from Just Jolie, but for now the schedule is not precise – please just check back when you can!

My blog turned 1 last week – oh, they grow up so fast! Of course, this isn’t how you would expect to treat what is ultimately a set of coding within a small fragment of the internet which I manage. Fellow bloggers will agree, that your blog does become your metaphorical baby – requiring attention, TLC, and love to keep it running. (I was going to say food, but no blogger shoves baby food at their laptop screens and is returned great stats.)

In celebration of one year of Just Jolie, lets take a wee trip down memory lane at my favourite posts this year…

Biker Jacket collage

I wore a lot of coats.

poundland eye collage

I was pleasantly surprised by Poundland makeup, yes, Poundland!

brick lane selfie edit

I wore my coat with pride around London, and took you every step of the way! (Day one, two and three)

ssh collage

I pretended to be Aria of Pretty Little Liars; shhh, don’t tell anyone!


I stripped half of my face of the mask of makeup.


I stripped my FULL face of the makeup mask, to prove we can all be Bare Faced and Beautiful. This also got me noticed by a blogger idol of mine – Ugly Face Of Beauty, one of my best blog achievements yet!


I wore a lot of Kimonos.


I took you with me to a music festival, T In The Park. (outfit post , photo diary.)

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I finally started a YouTube channel! I hope this will grow further in my next year of Just Jolie!


And I have been immensely happy through it all! I can’t wait for another year of Just Jolie antics, and I hope you join me!

Just Jolie x

My July In Picture Form.



I love July. July is such a stress-free month; it kicks off the summer holidays (the start of the holidays when homework doesn’t exist), it possesses my birthday and the weather is supposedly on point – this is debatable. Either way I had a good ‘un – this is what I got up to in July!

1) I took this picture at an art gallery I visited with my school. Slightly irrelevant, but truly beautiful in my humble opinion – you can’t beat them sun rays, am I right?

2) T In The Park was my biggest event of the month – five days of mayhem, but I loved every single second. You can read my review in a dedicated blog post here, and I will also be putting up a disposable photo diary soon, so be on the look out for that.

3) Another random shot, let me explain. Since I have been off school, the responsibility of walking my dog has been placed in my hands. I walk her every single day, and I absolutely love it. The peace and calm of the countryside is something I’ve really come to appreciate, it’s become my happy place, just for me and Meg the dog, of course.

4) This is a screenshot from a video that me and Holly of Just A Fashion Blogger have made, which is going live next week in light of our #gettoknowus week – be on the look out for that!

5) This is a cliche sunset shot I took at the beach in Tynemouth, a very under rated beach if you ask me. There is something so lovely about a night time walk on a beach, I’d highly recommend it to add to any summer bucket lists.

And that was that, my birthday is on the 30th of July, and I conveniently don’t have any documentation of what was one of my favourite days of the month. However, I will be putting up a “What I Got For My Birthday”, if that sounds appealing to anyone. Until then, I leave you with a reminder:

Holly and I are doing a #gettoknowus week next week, this will follow the principle of content every day for a week, whether that be a blog post up on either her or my blog, or a cheeky YouTube video thrown in there for good measure. So please keep checking back on all the platforms to keep up with the exciting stuff we have planned, so that YOU can #gettoknow US.

See you soon chums!

Just Jolie x