Star Wars: Return Of The Just Jolie.


The struggle for a title continues to be very real, no matter how long I continue this blogging shenanigans. If any of you have been here since the start, you will know I can never produce a normal title; one of my loveable quirks I suppose eh? I believe the last blogging return post title was in the form of a well known Eminem lyric, I’ll let you figure that one out yourself. Regardless, here I am, back again in word form! Pleased to see me?

Product Preach – YSL Black Opium Perfume.


I don’t know about you, but I love to smell of smelly things (the good kind, obviously.). I can see myself 10 years in the future with a grand 30+ collection of smellies, and I will have no regrets about the fact. I have already accumulated a small collection of perfumes, ranging in price from £3.50 (for 50ml) to this one I am preaching about today at £58 – Yves Saint Laurent’s Black Opium.

Product Preach – SophDoesNails X Makeup Revolution Collaboration.


Hello lovely people! I hope you are all doing well! Although I am ridiculously invested in the world of YouTube, I’m not one to physically invest in every single collaboration within the web. I often find them over priced, over hyped and corporate feeling, with a clear lack of personality and effort. However, obviously (from the fact I bought both elements!) I saw a clear difference within the SOPH X MAKEUP REVOLUTION collab, and I will tell you for why in this very post.

Just Jolie’s 3 Year Anniversary!


3 YEARS? My blog is now the age of a small infant; that genuinely blows my little mind! I simply wanted to pop in and just thank anyone (mainly friends and family) who have followed from the beginning, anyone who have popped in and out along the way; any support is and will always be so greatly appreciated.

It warms my heart that even one person would take time out of their day to read my musings, watch my videos, absorb my reviews and go out and buy products because of little old me. Thank you, thank you, and thank you! Here is to many more years to come of mindless word spews from my extremely weird brain.

Just Jolie x

OOTD: Darky & Khaki.

Fashion, OOTD

Can you tell from the title that I’m rusty on this blogging ‘shpeel’? Well I’m going to be getting the oil out on regular occasions from now on to try and loosen things up and get myself back on that wonderful blogging band waggon. I used to absolutely cherish my blog back in its hay day; my life has changed one hell of a lot since then, but I want my blog to return as my one happy constant – So I am back, how are yi?

The Weird Questions Tag.


This post was inspired by the lovely Karen of Confetti & Curves, who completed this fabulously random set of questions and inspired me to give it a go too!

If you aren’t already aware of her wonderful fragment of the internet then I highly recommend taking a look – you won’t be disappointed!

But for now, stay right here, pull up a chair and get to know the weirder side of me!

Do you have a nickname that only your family use?

My dad calls me Jo on the odd occasion and Josie-belle when he’s trying to annoy me – safe to say it works! My brother also has a song he sings me which is rather lovely – it goes : “She’s Jolie roly poly – she’s round and covered in snot.” , told you. Lovely.

What’s a weird habit of yours?

I would call it more of a super power if I’m honest, but I come up with high quality jokes on a daily basis, one word triggers and my mind just makes them – truly brilliant comedy on a daily basis folks.

Oh what’s that? You want to hear one? Oh alright.

What do you call a slutty biscuit?


Please laugh.

Do you have any weird phobias?

Life. A phobia of life.

What song do you secretly love to blast out when your alone?

I have no shame to say I blast out all my music (and there’s A LOT) when I’m home alone – it’s my favourite activity. Most recently, I blasted out Be Somebody by Kings of Leon, and loved every second.

Oooh, And I Am Telling You by Jennifer Hudson is a corker as well.

What’s one of your biggest pet peeves?

Uneven tables, loud eaters, people who are poo heads – you know who you are.

What’s one of your nervous habits?

I get painfully fidgetty, like, I’m uncomfortable to look at. Think Hammy from Over The Hedge – him and I are one in the same.

What side of the bed do you sleep on?

Is it greedy to say the middle? The general rule otherwise is the side that my phone is on.

What was your first stuffed animal and it’s name?

A teddy called Teddy. Yes, I truly am that imaginitive. I had Teddy until just afew years ago when he actually got mouldy and Mother Ince decided that was unhealthy – what a party pooper.

What’s the drink you always order at Costa? 

Me and caffeine don’t have the best relationship so I stick to hot chocolate or decafe tea, I’m rather boring in this department I do apologize.

What’s a beauty rule you preach but never actually practice?

If I don’t practise something, I don’t tend to preach about it – I stay true to you guys!

Which way do you face in the shower?

I have to face the door whenever I shower, for obvious reasons, like being prepared for an axe murderer.

Do you have any ‘weird’ body skills?

I have doubled jointed thumbs, to the amazement of my first school chums back in the day. I’m also a very skilled clicker, I can produce quite the tune.

What’s your favourite ‘bad’ comfort food that you eat anyway?

I’m going to pick the classic which we all can relate to – CHOCOLATE. I just cannot say no and once I have started on a bar, it must be finished.

What’s a phrase or exclamation that you always say?

It’s an extremely embarrassing statement which comes out of my mouth WAY too often. Basically if I think someone will be remotely angry, annoyed or unhappy with me; I can’t simply say, for example “She’ll be annoyed at me.”, instead I have to say “She’ll poo on my face.”.

Don’t ask why, because I don’t even know.

Wow don’t I sound annoying?! Because I am. (in the best way.)

It’s time to sleep – what are you ACTUALLY wearing?

It changes drastically depending on the temperature. When it is colder, my house turns into an igloo, so it’s fluffy bottoms with fluffy socks and my hoodie up and tightened around my face so I look like a chavvy eskimo.

Recently however, my attire is more normal (hopefully). A baggy t shirt with my high waisted American Apparel underwear (comfiest things EVER). My friend got them for me as a joke for Christmas, taking inspiration from the 5 Seconds of Summer song, She Looks So Perfect. My friend is a genius, as they are my favourite things in the whole wide world.

And that, is me!

Please don’t stop following now you know these weird facts about me, I hope it has brought us closer, all I can do is hope…

Just Jolie x