Product Preach – Jeffree Star Liquid Lipsticks. SEND NUDES (Collection)


I have a strange relationship with lipsticks. They are the thing I collect the most and probably wear the least. In both my fashion style as well as the makeup I wear, one thing that is always pretty much top of my priorities is comfort!  This obsession with my lips still feeling moisturised and effortlessly bare means that I do spend the majority of my existence in Vaseline, Carmex and Nivea Lip butter. Despite owning a full drawer of lip glosses, sticks, paints and stains – you name it, I probably have it, and don’t wear it. That unhealthy ‘buy but rarely wear’ relationship changed drastically when I discovered Jeffree Star and his glorious matte liquid lips.

Star Wars: Return Of The Just Jolie.


The struggle for a title continues to be very real, no matter how long I continue this blogging shenanigans. If any of you have been here since the start, you will know I can never produce a normal title; one of my loveable quirks I suppose eh? I believe the last blogging return post title was in the form of a well known Eminem lyric, I’ll let you figure that one out yourself. Regardless, here I am, back again in word form! Pleased to see me?

Product Preach – YSL Black Opium Perfume.


I don’t know about you, but I love to smell of smelly things (the good kind, obviously.). I can see myself 10 years in the future with a grand 30+ collection of smellies, and I will have no regrets about the fact. I have already accumulated a small collection of perfumes, ranging in price from £3.50 (for 50ml) to this one I am preaching about today at £58 – Yves Saint Laurent’s Black Opium.

Product Preach – SophDoesNails X Makeup Revolution Collaboration.


Hello lovely people! I hope you are all doing well! Although I am ridiculously invested in the world of YouTube, I’m not one to physically invest in every single collaboration within the web. I often find them over priced, over hyped and corporate feeling, with a clear lack of personality and effort. However, obviously (from the fact I bought both elements!) I saw a clear difference within the SOPH X MAKEUP REVOLUTION collab, and I will tell you for why in this very post.