Clothing Haul. Can You Tell I’m Loving Red?


Hello lovely people of the interweb! I hope you are all doing well and are feeling peckish for some across-the-screen-shopping! I must admit that I myself have been very naughty this month in the clothing department, buying absolutely everything that catches my eye for more than two seconds. This is good in a way as I am rediscovering my love of all things fashion, but I must say that my bank account ain’t too happy about it… Regardless, I’m happy so hey ho – lets see a few things I picked up shall we?

Jumper Weather Is Coming.


It took me all of my might to not name this post ‘Winter Is Coming’, but then I realised that that metaphorical winter which includes white walkers, the night king, and undead dragons is already here. That simply isn’t the case in real life, Winter ain’t here yet, although you bet I wish I had me a real life Jon Snow. Anyway… That slightly off topic intro leads me in no related way onto the true focus of todays blog post – jumper weather is almost upon us, and I love me a jumper.

The Ultimate Autumn-Lovers Post.


Autumn – My favourite time of year. Where we are surrounded by warm tones, my favourite spectrum of colour. Where the real world is in a constant state of ‘Instagram filtered-ness’. Where, in my opinion, everything looks more beautiful.


It’s wrapping-up weather; the knitwear comes out, the beanie’s put on, a cheeky scarf thrown in for good measure. The big over-sized coats rear their fabulous heads, a trend I love so dearly, allowing you to be as comfortable as you want while still oozing style. It is the season to layer, and in my eyes, there’s nothing better.


It’s the cosy season; the bitter chill of Winter is upon us, but Autumn lets you cherish the last fragment of heat and sun. The bonfires, the fireworks, the cups of your preferred hot beverage (I am still refusing the pumpkin spice latte craze..), all just fill you with that fuzzy feeling; it may be cold, but you feel warm in your heart.


Crunchy leaves, fluffy socks, cuddles (with your animal or human of choice), the warmth of your duvet on a cold morning, if these things don’t fill you with happiness, well, I’m afraid we can’t be friends.


And that is my preach for this week, not product based, but dedicated to my favourite time of year – hats off to Autumn….Why does this always happen when i try to take serious photos?


Just Jolie x 



Autumn is finally here and in terms of beauty this is my favourite time of year! Darker colours are everywhere (even though I wear them all year round anyway!) whether this be in clothing or makeup, but we shall focus on makeup in this post!

When it comes to Autumn makeup I find myself a lot more confident and bold, pushing the boundaries of what I’d be comfortable with in the warmer months. I tend to get oily skin in Summer and I find makeup harder to keep on which leads to me sticking to bare essentials. In the cooler seasons like Autumn and winter my makeup becomes staggeringly durable to a point where I make much more effort whether it be with smoky eyes or darker lips. My favourite Autumn products are really flexible in use and can be worn all year round I wear them all year round FO SHO but they are just perfect for this time of year.

Maybelline 24-hr Color Tattoo cream eyeshadow in Metallic Pomegranate: It’s no secret in the internet community how popular these cream eyeshadow are but this shade does not get enough credit; I can’t even begin to describe how much I love this colour. It is the most gorgeous deep red which is perfect for daytime but also when built up becomes the perfect night-time look. It’s so diverse in use and such value for money. Don’t be scared of coloured eyeshadow, nude gets boring!


No.7 Stay Perfect eye shadow in Khaki: In the pan this eyeshadow looks lovely in my opinion, unusual in others. Some people are not accustomed to ‘green’ eyeshadow but if you have brown eyes especially I would really recommend it! I have a theory that my eyes have some green pigment in as whenever I wear khaki whether it be clothing or makeup, my eyes look nice(?), so this is a subtle way to add it. It’s a nice warm tone and makes for a different shade of smoky eye for the Autumnal months.


Mac Creme In Your Coffee lipstick: I would honestly marry this lipstick if I could. It is the perfect modern brown nude shade(think Kylie Jenner nude),keep in mind ‘modern’, as many brown lipsticks can really throwback to the 80’s. Either way, brown lips is on the comeback for Autumn and this is the perfect way to embrace it! I like to dab it on rather than commit to thick application as I much prefer the lighter finish but it allows you multiple lip looks with one lipstick, just depending how much you put on! It is a great transition from your lighter nudes in summer to slowly darken up the lip before knocking people out with a dark purple (Mac-Rebel, FYI..) in the Winter.



Seventeen Stay Pout lipstick in Infrared: No, don’t be fooled; this is not the Topshop Infrared lipstick of blinding orange we know so well. This is a great highstreet dupe to Russian Red by Mac, possibly the most popular Mac lipstick there is. Although it is not as durable or strong in it’s colour; at almost a third of the price (£3.99) and being a bargain hunter myself, I know which I would buy. It’s slightly more of a brown toned red than the punchy scarlet of Russian Red, but in my opinion this shade is more flattering with autumn makeup. (Brown smoky eyes and this lipstick, yes, just yes.)


This is just a few pointers and general tips for the more chilly months! I’m hoping to do a similar post on clothing, so let me know if that’s something you’d like!