La Di Da Magazine Wedding Fair.

Fashion, Lifestyle

Hello lovely people! If you are unaware, I am currently working at John Lewis Newcastle within the womenswear department. This really does open some rather fashionable doors, one of which, was a fabulous wedding fair at Alnwick gardens, hosted by the wonderful La Di Da magazine. I got to get myself dolled up in an expensive dress I can not afford, play with wedding dress’, and have lovely wedding chats with lovely members of the lovely public – can you tell I had a lovely time?

Just a quick overview; La Di Da Magazine is a Northern based publication, in their own words ‘A damn good read for northern high society’. They cover everything from fashion, to beauty, to current local events. I myself am a bit of a print hoarder, and as this mag is particularly ascetically pleasing, you bet I will be adding it to my collection; I’d advise you do to!

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The magazine editor, Linda (oh, wonderful Linda), who also attended the wedding fair, has already worked with my lovely personal styling pal, Josta, on past work within John Lewis. This is how we were invited to represent ‘Johnny Lew’ at Alnwick; to show case all of our bridal wear as well as our other wedding based services such as Gift List, wedding insurance, and our 2 hour complimentary bridal styling session with a personal stylist!

Josta and I arrived nice and early to set up our mini wedding station in prep for the general public! I myself have just enough of a wedding dress fetish where I don’t look like a psychopath (..I think), so this was possibly my favourite days work to date. Hanging the truly beautiful garments on a tall black rail to mimic a heavenly white wall of bridal chic.

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If you are on the look out for a wedding dress (for marital reasons or otherwise) and one of these out of focus but utterly gorgeous pieces has caught your eye; these are all Phase Eight gowns, all found on the John Lewis website and/or in store. Some of them are on sale so, I’m not forcing you but GET THEM QUICK! Anyway.. We set up our station and if I do say so myself, it looked bomb dot com.


We then got changed to showcase what John Lewis has to offer to occasion wear, specifically wedding guests or even bridesmaids! Josta and I are both wearing Ted Baker articles which as very versatile to wear as more modern bridesmaid looks, Ladies day options, or any event that requires a blimming beautiful dress!



It was such a lovely setting to chat to customers about what John Lewis has to offer, and although I thought the glass roof would cave in due to the sheer force of the rain outside; it didn’t dull the bright, happy atmosphere that surrounded the event – I feel like wedding chat has that effect on people, and that is why I love it!


We were surrounded by other stalls as well as four elegant table settings fit for each season of the year, as example of what Alnwick Garden weddings have to offer. From what I saw it looked truly mesmerising, and anyone who has visited the gardens, as well as the gargantuan fountain; you will agree it really is a perfect wedding location.

I really had a truly amazing day with such lovely company! From my talented friend, Josta, being my mentor and partner in crime for the day; Linda, La Di Da’s editor, an extravagant and lovely lady who insisted me a blueberry muffin at the end of a long days work – my new claim to fame. I simply can’t forget the man who put it all together, Alnwick’s event manager, Arthur, possibly my favourite person I have met in a long time. Hilariously sarcastic, Italian and extremely knowledgable on Game Of Thrones – does he not sound like the perfect man? I know.

I just wanted to remember this day, and despite it being about a month ago, I didn’t want it to fade in my memories. So I hope you enjoyed a wee diary entry made public!

Just Jolie x



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